Letter of Application

Dear ENGL 301 classmates,

Please consider my application for a position in your professional writing team for term two of the 2022W session. I am a 3rd-year student majoring in Computer Science. I have previously graduated from the University of Toronto majored in Environmental Science and double minored in Biology and Applied Statistics. I am confident that my academic abilities, interests, work experience, and mindset towards learning will make me a strong candidate who will have a positive impact on your team. 

During my time at UofT, I was able to refine my professional etiquette, communication skills, and teamwork through numerous part-time jobs, clubs, intramurals, and research positions. As team leader for an intramural badminton team at UofT, I was the liaison between my team and organizers; ensuring communication between both parties were accurate and professional. Additionally, I have worked as a research assistant while on exchange at the University of Hong Kong which provided me the opportunity to improve my technical writing skills. I consider myself a lifelong learner and will always be open to suggestions and ways to improve my own abilities. My learning philosophy is to always keep an open mind about any suggestion made towards you, especially towards constructive criticism. 

Please find a copy of my application letter 301 Justin Tang Application Letter. Thank you for your time and consideration. Thank you for your time and consideration, I hope to hear from you all soon. If you have any questions please reach me at jtang102@student.ubc.ca 


Justin Tang