Justin Woo's Blog

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Blog #4 Information Technology in Business Schools

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In light of the recent MIS/IT lecture, it would be fitting to address the increasing usage of IT in business schools around the world.
As the business world continues to rely more and more on IT each day, many business school are coming to terms with the fact that IT needs to be an important and integral part of education. Indeed, Sauder School of Business has certainly adopted this mentality as demonstrated with the implementation of iclickers, blogs, tweeter, vista, and many other programs.
However, beyond all the impressive technology schools have the offer, the big question is whether or not the technology actually enhances learning. In Virginia’s Darden Graduate School of Business, for example, a group of MBA students were given a device called the Kindle DX e-reader to supplement the textbook they were also given. According to the students, the constant switching between textbook and Kindle was a hinderance as it was far slower and more complicated than learning straight from the textbook.
However, beyond learning enhancement, many schools are implementing devices which make group communication much easier. At Duke University a “Telepresence” system has been installed. Essentially it is a giant plasma screen which portrays life size images of people from other parts of the world, allowing overseas guests to participate in the lectures. Furthermore, campuses in Singapore, France, and Dubai have constructed virtual campuses where members from around the world can learn and interact.
In conclusion, in a world with increased reliance on IT, one should always question whether IT enhances the quality of education and communication or if it acts as a hinderance. In doing so, one is able to take the best of both worlds in order to truly obtain the highest quality of learning.


Written by justinwoo

October 6th, 2010 at 11:09 pm

Posted in Uncategorized

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