Justin Woo's Blog

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Archive for November, 2010

Blog #6 Comm 486R Takeaways

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A few weeks ago I had the privilege of sitting in on an amazing specialty commerce course offered to a select group of third and fourth year commerce students. Essentially, the purpose of the class is to focus on case studies and apply the knowledge gained from all previous classes to analyze companies. In the class I attended, we focused on two cases, “Commerce Bank” and “Toyota TPS”.
Commerce Bank has a unique business model which more strongly emphasizes customer service. It offers many free services such as entertainment and food for its customers. Basically, as a company, its found a small niche in the banking industry that has yet to be exploited and it has payed off.
Toyota TPS is the company’s production model which many car companies have tried to be emulate. In this class, we identified two main factors that makes the TPS system successful, that is, the principles of Jikoda and Kaizen.
Overall, Comm 486R was an amazing class with two great professors with tons of business experience. It is particularly interesting as it deals with practical applications. This is a class that I would certainly like to apply for in the future.

Written by justinwoo

November 24th, 2010 at 2:03 am

Posted in Uncategorized

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