Justin Woo's Blog

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Archive for March, 2011

Who Inspires Me?

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When I think of  my greatest business inspiration one person comes to mind, my grandpa.  As a young man coming over to Canada with only $20 dollars in his pocket, no command of the English language, and little education it is obvious that he had a huge mountain to climb.  Originally working long hours as a chef and then running grocery store he slowly built his wealth.  However, its what he did with the little money he saved that really made the difference.  He started slow by buying residential real estate then he began buying large commercial buildings.  Today he is retired as a multimillionaire collecting huge amounts of rent every year.  Beyond that, however, he is the most humble man I know.  He doesn’t bask in his wealth and live an extravagant lifestyle.  However, he always gives generously to charities and his family.  He is a man that I would truly like to model when dealing with my finances and my life.

Written by justinwoo

March 21st, 2011 at 2:24 pm

Posted in Uncategorized

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