Justin Woo's Blog

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Archive for April, 2011

What I learned In Comm299…

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Comm299 was extremely beneficial for a number of reasons, namely the topics of drafting a professional resume/cover letter/approach letter, how to cold call, tips on public speaking, and tips on interview.  While individually all these things are important, I will most remember Comm299 for introducing me to the business culture and professionalism, a new and exciting experience for me.  Furthermore, Comm299 challenged me to find roles within the CUS as well as continually encouraged me to consider my future career but giving me an overview of many career advancing opportunities as an undergraduate student as well as the options coming out of Sauder.  Despite all my complaining about the work load I now see that Comm299 was a very useful class and I’m glad I took it.

Written by justinwoo

April 4th, 2011 at 2:17 pm

Posted in Uncategorized

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