Making Baths Easier

Although we sometimes take it for granted, in countries where water is scarce, it can sometimes be difficult to have enough to properly bathe oneself. Ludwick Marishane a recent commerce graduate at the University of Cape Town in South Africa came up with a solution.

He created a product called DryBath, a moisturizing gel that is applied to the skin and cleans 99.9% of germs without the alcoholic smell of hand sanitizers. This form of social entrepreneurship started as way for Marishane to avoid the hassle of taking a bath, but has turned into a company with a strong social objective. Although Marishane charges for sachets of DryBath and sells to corporations, airlines and hotels, he has also has benefitted those in his country who have limited access to clean water. Through using DryBath, people are able to maintain proper hygiene and save precious water for other purposes, preventing disease and preserving time spent fetching water.

Social entrepreneurship strives to make a profit while being committed to a social cause. DryBath has effectively done that by selling a product that can be effective for corporations needing it for convenience, but also incredibly crucial to poor communities in need of alternative methods of bathing. As it continues to make a profit and grow, look for DryGel to continue to positively affect people in need not only in South Africa, but in places all over the world where water is scarce.

Here is a short TED talk about DryGel:

And an article outlining its basic principles:

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