Road to Glory

It’s very common for corporations to feature celebrities in their commercials in order to get more attention. The following commercial is made by one of the largest online poker sites, Full Tilt Poker. A young star whom is looked up to and admired by millions, Tom Dwan, is featured in the video.

It’s not entirely difficult for a firm to come up with an idea of using celebrities as their advocates. The hard part is what to do with these celebrities and what messages need to get through. In this 30-second commercial, Full Tilk Poker does a good job of narrating Dwan’s personal journey from imitating other poker heroes to becoming a player of his own kind. I imagine this would really make many poker players connect to this commercial because they can see themselves in different stages of Dwan’s progress. This commercial really distinguishes itself from many other commercials where the celebrities in them don’t really have anything to do with the products advertised.

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