The more drama, the merrier

First of all I’m deeply sorry for missing one week of post and remaining completely oblivious until now. I hope this won’t be too big of a deal.

Click and check out my friend Johnathon’s entry about the whole LeBron James drama that has been going on since July, when he made the decision, on National TV, of course,  of leaving his old team Cleveland Cavaliers to join force with two superstars Dwyane Wade and Chris Bosh.

Click on this too and read an open letter by Dan Gilbert, owner of the Cleveland Cavaliers, which downright insulted LeBron James with harsh and pejorative language that stirred up immense public emotions and controversy. Millions of fans around the globe picked their sides and engaged in nonstop debates on LeBron James’ decision.

One man remained perfectly calm and invisible during this whole upheaval. The man is the NBA Commissioner, David Stern.

So what has David Stern been doing this whole time? My guess is that he has been visiting physicians to figure out a way to close his mouth from grinning after the TV rating of the NBA skyrocketed. The NBA is competing with the NFL, MLB and so on. And this whole LeBron James drama has been nothing but good for business. People all of a sudden started to care so much, just because he is LeBron James. But what did he exactly do? Leave and sign with another team like half of the players did in the off season?

Just watch when LeBron James returns to Cleveland on Dec 2 in the rain of popcorn and water bottles. There will only be more drama for everyone – exactly what Mr. Stern wants, isn’t it?

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