Failed Commercials

Two weeks ago I talked about some companies’ intentions of making eccentric commercials in hopes of standing out and being noticed. That’s fair enough, and many commercials have delivered. However, some have failed miserably for being simply too controversial, disturbing, or downright outrageous.

I believe many of you have seen and remembered this Quizno’s commercial that was aired for a very short period of time before it was banned for being, I guess, gross. The commercial was full of outrageous sexual references from an oven that could talk and Scott, a Quizno’s employee.

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The failure of this commercial tells us that there is a fine line in doing just about everything. While it’s probably worthwhile being innovative and adventurous, companies still need to think twice before they decide to shoot some absurd and whimsical commercials, because amongst the people watching, there are always the kids and the easily-offended ones.

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