A phone to save us from our phones

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The newly launched Windows Phone 7 by Microsoft is sure to face some extremely tough competitions. It does not make a walk in the park to compete in the smart phone market with creations like iPhone, BlackBerry, HTC smartphones, etc. You might wonder what can Microsoft pull this time to gain an edge and capture some of the market. Well, I have to say Microsoft did not disappoint. Their campaign slogan is sure to intrigue: it’s time for a phone to save us from our phones.

I think this is a very interesting idea because while people are hooked in the sea of iPhone apps or the non-stop bbms, the Windows Phone is “designed to get you in and out and back to life”. This could be a charm for many people who recognize that there are more important things in life than clicking away on their phones.

Back to the video I posted in the beginning. The ad exaggerates on the fact that people are spending way too much time with their phones when they really should be doing something else. Such mockery might just get people thinking – am I failing school because I play too much Angry Birds…? Am I slowly going insane because I check my bbm every 10 seconds…? The thing about marketing is, if you get them thinking, they’ll buy.

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