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Do the higher ups truly understand the meaning of “Business Ethics”?

Upon an article that I stumbled across, I found that bullying occurs not only in schools, but also in workplaces. One may think that bullying is almost impossible to exist in a workplace because of course, many workers should know the unwritten rule of “business ethics.” According to “Bully Adults in the Workplace: What to do” by Babara Mannino, a studied showed that “14% [of the respondents] say they felt bullied by their immediate supervisor.” Sometimes bosses feel that they need to control their workers; however, controlling could possibly lead to the problem of bullying. In a workplace with good ethical skills, the higher ups who are responsible for the lower division would be strict and stern, but also reasonable and respectful. By abusing authority as explained in this article, people  tend to humiliate others “through unwarranted criticism” as opposed to giving them useful advice and constructive criticism. Perhaps employees are not the only ones that are required to learn workplace ethics; their higher ups and supervisors should also be careful about their behaviour in the workplace as it could potentially be misunderstood as bullying.

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