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Business Plan 101

Recently, in class I learnt what a business plan is and how to potentially write one up (with of course, A LOT of practice). Unfortunately, I am still a bit unsure of how to do so since I have only been introduced to it once; however, I’m hoping that I’ll be able to understand it a lot more later on after doing more case studies and practices.

Business plans are more traditional and provides more details for the business that we are analyzing. These plans should answer questions that are: specific and to the point. For example, the questions asked could be about value proposition, plans, profits and revenues of the company, or their competition. When writing a business plan, I learnt that we should think of the key parts which include the intentions for a company when they have plans to expand, make money, etc..

For our prep, we read this article called Writing your own Business Plan which explains what a Business plan is in more depth. From reading this article, it did feel as if I had to absorb a lot of new information with which I found was difficult to take in. On the bright side, reading this article did help me understand more about the Business Plan after reading it a few more times.


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