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Bye bye Zellers!

Almost everyone in B.C. knows about the closing-down of Zellers, the store that has been struggling to earn more fans and profits for the past several years. In this article, “With a healthy dose of humour, Zellers says goodbye” by Susan Krashinsky, Zellers attempts different ways of marketing in order to attract more consumers into their store. Thanks to their coupons and digital promotions, Zellers made $8-million in sales! Although they probably didn’t have enough profits to help them cover the costs for making new and improved ad campaigns and websites, this company was driven to use social media, such as Facebook, and other ways to attract more customers.

The costs of advertisement do not come cheap, and with  the profits that Zellers made in the past years, they did not have a choice but to move away from their old ways of marketing to advertising on social media. Their revenue problems could possibly be linked to how their campaign has been done in the past. The advertisements on social media were not as costly and they were able to attract more consumers! Perhaps other companies should start considering whether or not advertising should also be done on social media.


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