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The Strike – Another Blogger’s view

After reading Andrew Huang’s blog post CUPE strike – Will it affect us, students?, based on this article. it brought to my attention that students in general will never not be affected by strikes. Graduating from high school last year, when the teachers went on strike, it was extremely difficult as a student to become active in the school community. I agree with Andrew in that the possible outcome from this strike will create an increase in costs for nearly all universities across British Columbia.

During the CUPE 116 (Canadian Union of Public Employees) first day of strike, I did not realize that I crossed the picket line. In fact, I did not know that there was a strike until I saw the Union workers carrying signs and walking outside of the SUB. It is evident that the demand for an increase in the cost for living, job security and pensions are needs for the all of the workers in each University. I also agree with Andrew that if the university does agree to provide the workers with what they laid out, ultimately it will be the students that will be subsidizing the costs to meet the workers’ needs.

Video regarding the job action:

– from Andrew Huang’s blog

– image from :

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