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Archive for November, 2012

What is CSR?

Sunday, November 18th, 2012

I asked myself this question when I came across a blog called “HR should care about corporate social responsibility” by Brian Kreissl. From what I learned in class, Corporate Social Behaviour means that a company will consider the social, environmental, economic aspects of the world and try to improve the planet instead of harming it. […]

A New Social Media App ?

Tuesday, November 13th, 2012

Upon reading my COMM101 classmate’s blogs, I came across Stephanie’s post “Mingo: the Newest Addition to the Social Media Family?”. I found this interesting because in today’s society, many business organizations rely on the usage of social networking, in order to communicate with their co-workers and clients. This networking app for the iPhone and Androids […]

Appnovation Innovation?

Sunday, November 4th, 2012

Appnovation Technologies, a vancouver based company that provides consulting service on software and apps, and also develops websites. When learning about BTM (Business technology Management) and MIS (Management Information Systems), our guest speaker introduced this company to us. He told us how if there is a new “innovative idea” out there, we should take it, […]

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