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Appnovation Innovation?

Appnovation Technologies, a vancouver based company that provides consulting service on software and apps, and also develops websites. When learning about BTM (Business technology Management) and MIS (Management Information Systems), our guest speaker introduced this company to us. He told us how if there is a new “innovative idea” out there, we should take it, or else it will be taken away. I thought Appnovation  Technologies was an interesting company, since it is my first time hearing about it and it does certainly gives a unique type of consulting service to their customers.

Yesterday,  I participated in a case competition which was a case on Appnovation Technologies. There were several interesting facts that I learnt about this company. Asides from being very successful in the past few years, it has a centralized and flat organizational structure and a very good financial good rate. When I first heard about this company I didn’t strike to me much; however, after reading a case on it and learning more about what the company does, I found it to be very interesting and that it relates really well to what we learnt in class the other day. If this company interests you too, here is an interesting article on how they established their executive team!




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