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A New Social Media App ?

Upon reading my COMM101 classmate’s blogs, I came across Stephanie’s post “Mingo: the Newest Addition to the Social Media Family?”. I found this interesting because in today’s society, many business organizations rely on the usage of social networking, in order to communicate with their co-workers and clients.

This networking app for the iPhone and Androids allow for an easier method to connect with people. The intentions for this app is to provide ways for anyone who wants to connect with their friends and know about any events that may be happening in their city. This application is written by Edward, a student from the Sauder school of Business. He is the founder of a company that specializes in mobile application development, which is called Peoplesapp Network Group Inc..

I remember when we had guest speakers in our Comm101 class. I found this class particularly interesting, because anyone  can become an entrepreneur. In order to become a successful entrepreneur, one must take risks and think beyond the box. I agree with Stephanie that taking the first step is truly the hardest part in becoming an entrepreneur. Perhaps, the difficulty for some people in taking the first step is because they fear the idea of “risk”.

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