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What is CSR?

I asked myself this question when I came across a blog called “HR should care about corporate social responsibility” by Brian Kreissl.
From what I learned in class, Corporate Social Behaviour means that a company will consider the social, environmental, economic aspects of the world and try to improve the planet instead of harming it. Having Corporate Social responsibility in a company means that the company can gain a “good reputation” which can potentially increase their customer base.

This blog post written by Kreissl explains how HR can also play a big part in companies that are perhaps struggling with Corporate Social Responsibility. By getting involved with CSR, workers that specialize in HR can work beyond their field and plan strategic methods for the company to improve its reputation. Normally, the HR conducts the ethics side of the company and sets the rules and deals with communication problems with their employees. I find this interesting, as I am taking Organizational Behaviour this term and I am learning quite a bit on the behaviours of employees and the higher-ups when reacting to different types of activities assigned to them. I am really amazed at how the different sides of business all relate to each other and how it can be applied in the real world!


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