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Archive for the 'Uncategorized' Category

What is CSR?

Sunday, November 18th, 2012

I asked myself this question when I came across a blog called “HR should care about corporate social responsibility” by Brian Kreissl. From what I learned in class, Corporate Social Behaviour means that a company will consider the social, environmental, economic aspects of the world and try to improve the planet instead of harming it. […]

A New Social Media App ?

Tuesday, November 13th, 2012

Upon reading my COMM101 classmate’s blogs, I came across Stephanie’s post “Mingo: the Newest Addition to the Social Media Family?”. I found this interesting because in today’s society, many business organizations rely on the usage of social networking, in order to communicate with their co-workers and clients. This networking app for the iPhone and Androids […]

Appnovation Innovation?

Sunday, November 4th, 2012

Appnovation Technologies, a vancouver based company that provides consulting service on software and apps, and also develops websites. When learning about BTM (Business technology Management) and MIS (Management Information Systems), our guest speaker introduced this company to us. He told us how if there is a new “innovative idea” out there, we should take it, […]

UBS job cuts

Friday, October 26th, 2012

UBS AG, one of the largest banks in Switzerland is planning to lay off around 10 000 workers. In other words, the bank is planning to cut 16% of it’s workers, in order to maintain a higher revenue. The bank’s revenue has been shrinking recently and with “rising capital requirements”, the Swiss bank has no […]

The Strike – Another Blogger’s view

Tuesday, October 23rd, 2012

After reading Andrew Huang’s blog post CUPE strike – Will it affect us, students?, based on this article. it brought to my attention that students in general will never not be affected by strikes. Graduating from high school last year, when the teachers went on strike, it was extremely difficult as a student to become active in […]

Bye bye Zellers!

Sunday, October 14th, 2012

Almost everyone in B.C. knows about the closing-down of Zellers, the store that has been struggling to earn more fans and profits for the past several years. In this article, “With a healthy dose of humour, Zellers says goodbye” by Susan Krashinsky, Zellers attempts different ways of marketing in order to attract more consumers into their store. […]

Intro to the Wonderful World of Finance

Friday, October 5th, 2012

Last week, we had a class were we were given a one day lesson on what Finance really is. I got the feel of what I will be learning next year in my Intro to Finance class and I realized that it isn’t just simply math. I also found it interesting how Finance and Accounting (which […]

Business Plan 101

Monday, October 1st, 2012

Recently, in class I learnt what a business plan is and how to potentially write one up (with of course, A LOT of practice). Unfortunately, I am still a bit unsure of how to do so since I have only been introduced to it once; however, I’m hoping that I’ll be able to understand it […]

LuluLemon Craze

Sunday, September 23rd, 2012

While researching for my first Case study, I learnt many new and interesting points about LuluLemon. To be honest, I am not a fan of their products; however, after reading and learning more about this brand and reading this article, I understand why people would continuously support them. LLL offers their customers good customer service […]

Do the higher ups truly understand the meaning of “Business Ethics”?

Wednesday, September 12th, 2012

Upon an article that I stumbled across, I found that bullying occurs not only in schools, but also in workplaces. One may think that bullying is almost impossible to exist in a workplace because of course, many workers should know the unwritten rule of “business ethics.” According to “Bully Adults in the Workplace: What to […]

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