For this case study, we will be looking at the way physical hard drives have been replaced with cloud computing for data storage. Over recent years, technology classes have shifted time and focus in correctly saving their work, to developing content and creativity. The stresses of misplacing a USB stick with critical information or forgetting it at one location when requiring access to data, have been replaced with a simple (or hopefully, complicated) password. We will look at how cloud storage has impacted the classroom environment and what role it has played in shifting the way we access and store data. We will look at these questions through the course lens of usability and educational usability. Examples include the digital storage of teacher resources and the ability for more collaboration through individual and group assignments. We will also look at the legal implications of cloud storage relating to student privacy (PIPA for BC).

October 25, 2022
ETEC 511 – Tipping Point Proposal
joseph villella
Posts by joseph villella
ETEC 565S – A Final Reflection
July 28, 2023
ETEC 565S – Lesson Plan, Maker Assessment, & Unit of Learning
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ETEC 565S – My Provocation & Makerspace Challenge
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ETEC 565S – Professional Learning Conversation
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ETEC 524 – Assignment 3: Final Synthesis
July 25, 2023
Comments by joseph villella
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