My name is Joseph Villella, and I am in my final term of the MET Program. My journey into my current role as a Grade 4 teacher at an independent elementary school was not a traditional one. To start, I obtained a Bachelor of Business Administration with an Accounting major but decided not to pursue my CPA designation after completing my degree. While working on my bachelor’s degree, I started volunteering at the elementary school I attended as a child, and eventually, I began working there full-time as an Educational Assistant.
Since working there full-time, I have completed an associate degree in Web Technologies and eventually enrolled in the MET Program. My goal is to move into an administrative role one day, and I believe the MET Program will greatly benefit me by ensuring that I understand where technology is heading and that students are set up for success in today’s workplace environments.
During my final term, I will also be attending the ETEC 656S Summer Institute in July. My main goal throughout the MET Program has been to learn new and innovative ways to teach my students using technology, thereby enhancing their educational journey. I recognize that the education system is continually adapting to the use of technology in all fields, and as an educator, I must keep evolving to help my students succeed.
In the future, there may be an opportunity for me to create a S.T.E.M. program at my school that focuses on students collaborating on team-based projects with exploration and problem-solving as the main goals. I feel confident in my ability to make this program successful due to everything I have gained from the MET Program. Thanks to this program, I have been exposed to numerous different approaches to teaching technology, as well as many programs and platforms that were previously unfamiliar to me.
Applications of Learning
Along with the skills that I can gain which would help me create the S.T.E.M. program, I am looking forward to learning about creating engaging lesson plans and meaningful assessments. While taking ETEC 512, I found out that I have naturally followed a constructivist approach to teaching since I encourage my students to be active in their learning (Mcleod, 2023). I valued the opportunity to discover different learning theories as it made me understand my role as an educator and how I can better reach my students. After reading about Chickering & Ehrmann’s seven principles of learning, I believe I am on the right path in my journey as an educator as I strive to incorporate more constructivist approaches in my lesson plans (1996).
The International Society for Technology in Education standards, specifically 2.7.a, also touch on the importance of providing alternative ways for students to demonstrate competency, which is another area that I am looking forward to exploring (International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE), 2017). I believe that this ties in very well with my goal to create and use more meaningful assessments as many of my assessment pieces are traditional tests and quizzes. I also know that providing students with these alternative ways to demonstrate competency in curricular objectives aligns with the B.C. Curriculum and showcases another reason why I would like to focus on meaningful assessments during ETEC 524.
ETEC 524 Goals
I believe I can effectively engage my students and spark their excitement for learning during my lessons. However, I do admit to struggling with the implementation of meaningful assessments. Many of my current assessments are outdated and in need of revision. Unfortunately, the fast pace of my early years of teaching has left little time for reflection. I am hopeful that this course will provide me with the opportunity to learn about utilizing and creating meaningful assessments that I can then apply in my classroom.
Additionally, I see ETEC 524 as an avenue to become a more proficient digital-age teaching professional by collaborating with my peers. I am particularly eager to contribute to discussions that promote learning and witness the accomplishments of my fellow classmates. As I review the course schedule, I am especially excited about Week 7: Interaction. Recognizing the significance of active learning in today’s classrooms and those of the future, I am keen to expand my knowledge on this topic.
Finally, I am looking forward to learning about new technologies and platforms in general. The first assignment on Learning Management Systems will provide me with an opportunity to research other learning environments that may aid me in the creation of the S.T.E.M. program. At the end of my time in ETEC 524, I hope to be more confident in my ability to create the S.T.E.M. program for my school and know that I will be giving my students meaningful assessments while in the classroom.
References Chickering, A.W., & Ehrmann, S.C. (1996). Implementing the seven principles: Technology as lever. American Association for Higher Education Bulletin, 49(2), 3-6. International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE). (2017). Standards for teachers. Mcleod, Saul. (2023). Constructivism learning theory & educational philosophy.