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Creating this full unit of learning was a challenging but rewarding experience for me. To start, I had to learn a lot about the process of instructional design and the Universal Design Language Guidelines. I also had to revisit the BC Curriculum to refresh my memory of the exact competencies and learning outcomes that were expected during BC Science 4 (and specifically the Biomes & Adaptation unit).

The biggest challenge that I faced was finding resources to use for my unit that allows for learning to occur in an engaging and appropriate way. I had to consider the abilities, interests, and prior knowledge of the Grade 4 students that would be taking this course. Searching for all of the different online sources and videos was difficult, and I ended up having to create a few of my own resources to fill in voids that I couldn’t source. As an example, I created the biomes of the world google slide and then made a video of it using Canva to allow for greater accessibility for learners with visual impairments or troubles with reading text. For the Canva poster project, I had to create criteria, template, and rubric which also took a lot of time and revisions.

Creating meaningful assessments and activities was also a bit of a challenge since I really wanted to ensure that everything had a place and reason. Each assignment and assessment needed to have a clear reason as to why a student would complete it, and it also needed to allow for quick feedback to ensure students know they are on the right path. Creating clear instructions for each activity in a minimalistic way so that the students could easily understand what to do was also a challenge.

I think my greatest success in this project was the usage of Google Classroom as my platform. Using Google Classroom, I believe I was able to create a very clean course structure that is simple to understand. I spent a lot of time brainstorming and thinking of how to lay out my courses and unit, and I am very happy with how it turned out. To help with accessibility for all learners, I believe that the design and layout of a course is equally as important as the content inside of the course. Without clear guidelines and intuitive design, learners become frustrated and are not set up for success.

Overall, I am proud of my unit of learning and I think it is a valuable contribution to the online community who teach BC Science 4. I hope that my unit would help students learn about biomes and adaptations in a meaningful and enjoyable way!