This activity will challenge learners to test their memory and concentration while also learning how they are affected by stress or trauma. By performing three simple tasks in a row, individuals will be able to observe how their performance changes when different instructions are given. This activity will also allow learners to compare their performance with their partner and see how stress or trauma affects different people in different ways. This activity can help learners understand the impact of stress or trauma on their minds and empathize with others who are going through similar experiences.

View Provocation – PDF



This Trauma Monster Challenge is a fun and meaningful activity that will help others deal with their trauma and express their emotions. The challenge is to create a superbeing that can defeat their own trauma monster. A trauma monster is something that causes a person to feel scared, angry, sad, or anxious. A superbeing is a representation of someone or something that makes the person feel brave, happy, or calm. The superbeing will be created using physical maker materials so that it will be something a person can physically hold. This activity could be done in partners and does not need to reflect a person’s personal trauma as that can be a sensitive topic. Technology-enabled options are also available. The challenge helps students to heal from their trauma and feel more positive and empowered.

View Makerspace Challenge – PDF