Assignment One – Elementary Group (PDF)


Deciding on a Learning Management System (LMS) is an incredibly important task for an institution. For Assignment One, we were tasked with picking an LMS system to be used at an elementary school. As I created the rubric with the input of my team, I tried to think of what I valued in an LMS and what features I would want in my own Grade 4 Classroom.

We quickly decided on using the SECTIONS model as it fit perfectly (Bates, 2014). Creating the rubric was quite difficult, as it took a lot of thought to really pinpoint what should be included. To start, an LMS should be created with the student at the center. We tried our best to incorporate criteria that matched this “student-first” viewpoint. In all, I believe that our finished product properly reflects this view, as students interact with the LMS frequently.

For this project, I was in charge of creating the rubric with the help of the input from my team. After we agreed to use SECTIONS as a base, I got to work to create the rubric using traditional criteria headers (not yet meeting, meeting, exceeding). As a group, we went over each analysis of the agreed-upon learning management systems to determine which we would recommend to an elementary school. Overall, I was very happy with the work that my group completed. I felt that we worked effectively and efficiently together.

I believe that this project helped me further realize the importance of picking the correct learning management system in an elementary school setting. With such a variety of features available and many to choose from, each LMS system should be picked on a school-by-school basis. An LMS is not a one-size-fits-all, so it should be picked with great thought and care.


Bates, T. (2014). Choosing and using media in education: The SECTIONS model. Teaching in digital age.