ETEC 544 – Collaborative Final Project
Click Here To Play! PDFs Fullerton Exercises Living Game Design Document Self Reflection Playing a role in the creation of…
Click Here To Play! PDFs Fullerton Exercises Living Game Design Document Self Reflection Playing a role in the creation of…
Before Playing – Horizon Forbidden West Question: What will I like / dislike about it? What will I find interesting about…
Exercise 1.2: D.O.A. Take one game that you’ve played that was D.O.A. By D.O.A., I mean “dead on arrival” (i.e.,…
Streaming on sites such as Twitch, YouTube, and Facebook has become more prevalent over the past few years as shown…
Wang, A. I., & Tahir, R. (2020). The effect of using Kahoot! for learning – A literature review. Computers and Education, 149,…
Gee (2008) in their article, “Cats and portals: Video games, learning, and play”, explores how video games provide ways for…