Breakfast! Toast with Peanut Butter and Mandarin Orange = 13505km of Food Travel…

  Production Delivery Packaging
Dempster Whole Wheat bread Main ingredient: uses 100% Canadian Wheat.Most of Canada’s wheat production originates from the Prairie provinces. Dempster’s does not specify which, but by speculating I would assume either Saskatchewan, Manitoba, or Alberta.Energy in Food Sector Data Survey by  Annika Carlsson Kanyama found that on average the production of bread is 1.53-4.56 Mega Joules per kg is equivalent to using 0.075191004 kiloliters of oil Calgary, Alberta= 978km after processed Plastic bag- video on how plastic bags are made compliments of discovery science channels. Dempsters bread is packaged in plastic bags, made from polyethylene. Greener Footprints describes how just “8.7 plastic shopping bags contains enough embodied petroleum energy to drive a car 1km.”  See more at:
Fred Myer -Peanut Butter Fred Myer uses Spanish Peanuts, grown mostly in Texas and Oklahoma. The production of peanuts for peanut butter is energy intensive as there are multiple processes in creating the final product. These include, harvesting, shelling, roasting, blanching, grinding.

Cincinnati Ohio to Vancouver- 3992km

Cincinnati, Ohio= 3,992 km  after processed Plastic container- I would assume similar steps in production as the plastic bag above.  The thicker use of plastic to create the jar would however cause more of a carbon footprint.
Mandarin Oranges Known to have been produced throughout southeastern china, could not figure out the specific location of distributer. However, for the purpose of this blog I will use southeastern china as a general reference point.  8535 km by barge. claims barges use – 443 miles per gallon. An average 5334 miles would use 12 gallons of oil Cardboard box

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