The cartoon above perfectly reflects the majority public’s view on Obama’s current situation; not only did he failed to gain any more positions in the House, he also lost the majority seats in the Senate to the Republicans. Thus it appears that his low votes during the midterm evaluation predicts an unavoidable loss the the two year away “Big Election”. Also, the White House will be under the Republicans’ before the next movement.
But, there is always a “but” to every story. The result of the midterm election does not directly representing a failure in the Big Election in 2017. Consider the affair in a retrospective matter, the governing party was never highly praise by the public during any midterm election since the citizens are always fond of the new and tried of the old. The lose of the Democratic in this period could represent a success in the future. WHY? First, Obama can focus more on developing and strengthen his diplomatic relationships. Moreover, in the next two years, the public will expect more effective bills carried out by the Republicans. Yet, if the Republicans devotes too much to become seat hoggers of government positions, they will be less likely to make any doable proposals which can cause decrease in public favor. Hence, there are pros and cons for both parties(50, 50 chances). Whether who will become the next president will depends on two party’s future performance.