Staples closing stores

In class 7 we discussed that the world continually advances and changes and it’s necessary for a business to be able to adapt to these advances and changes. Upon my readings I disovered an article that staples, a pretty popular name in office supplies is starting to close its stores and move its business online. Not only changing the way they do business but what they sell as well. Staples is realizing that the market for ink, paper, pens etc. is getting swallowed up by the technology world, meaning that Staples is shifting to selling more of its “non-traditional” items over the usual paper and pens. The article says that online sales have increased by 8 percent while other sales are continuously falling, meaning that without this change they would most likely have been wiped out, much like what happened to blockbuster. Staples may not be completely there but they took the right step by choosing to evolve their business rather than letting the advancements of today’s world demolish it .

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