First Nations Vs. B.C.

In the Vancouver Sun they wrote an article that discusses the issues related with Bc Hydro’s hydroelectric megaproject. While many argue that B.C. is continuing to grow, increasing the need for hydroelectric, First Nations argue back that building the Dam would compromise their rights as First Nations. There’s no right way to look at this dilemma but I think there’s two ways of going about it. Either look at benefit vs. detriment or compromise so each party gives something up but also gains something. In the first case I strongly believe it benefits a lot more individuals than it hurts by building the dam. However the chiefs involved have suggested and will support smaller projects to harvest energy, decreasing the individuals who get harmed but also decreasing the benefits from B.C’s Hydro’s project. The end of the article tells us that the spokesmen for First Nations have all been trying to meet with powerful conservative figures however they have only been able to meet with people who have small input in the final decision. I see this action as the conservatives not playing into consideration the thought of the First Nations, this seems to me that the  government will go along with the project, only taking into account the benefit it will have, ignoring the First Nations efforts.

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