Old customers just as important as new ones?

In Jackie Huba’s blog she writes about her experiences with MINI and their brilliant marketing tactics. She, as a current MINI customer, recently received a thank you note along with MINI foldable speakers. MINI believes that it’s current customers are just as important as potential new buyers, leading MINI to continue to value their customers and stay loyal to them so their customers will do the same for them.

I think this tactic is brilliant, many customers tend to ignore their customers once a sale has gone through and shift their direction towards potential customers. In this day in age with so much communication through social media, the impression customers are left with means everything. Advertising and marketing has become more and more through word of mouth, people post their opinions everywhere and its accessible for almost anyone to have a look at it. For example Tom Dobrzanski of Monarch studios says since he has started his company, all of their marketing has been through word of mouth, meaning people with excellent experiences give great reviews and a person leaving with a bad experience will make sure all of their friends hear about it. I agree with Jackie that it’s a great business move to thank your customers for their loyalty and their patronage.


MINI logo. Digital image. N.p., n.d. Web. <http://www.google.ca/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=images&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0CAcQjRw&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.zeroto60times.com%2Fblog%2Flarge-car-logos-2%2Flarge-mini-car-logo%2F&ei=RvVfVJ3MFMj3yQTl_4CYDQ&bvm=bv.79189006,d.aWw&psig=AFQjCNF4fr7vQ-QbLJJtvkVWUb3FPyZiHA&ust=1415661249604652>.


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