Edamame Farm

In the globe and mail there’s an article about Jacob MacKellar, a young man who wants to keep his family’s farming business alive. Farming is a tough business to get into but Jacob has done his research and noticed that as  society is changing and evolving there’s becoming more demand for health conscious food such as Edamame beans. He noticed that only 1 percent of Edamame beans consumed in Canada are actually grown in Canada. While there’s a high demand for non-imported beans, many consumers don’t have that option and that’s where the MacKellar family has found their niche.

I think Jacob’s ability to stay with the industry he wants while evolving and adapting their products to fit the consumer base is the only way to compete in such a hard industry such as farming. At the end of the article he says “This business is always morphing; I think if your business isn’t changing then it will in fact not work out.” I think for any company you need to continually review the trends, and be willing to change your business in order to get a competitive advantage. If your business isn’t changing while the tastes of your consumers are changing then you’ll eventually die out. Jacob saw a window of opportunity and took it, like what many businesses should do to keep up with today’s society.


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