How to Hire for Rapid Success by Daniel Burrus

In this article, Burrus talked about “the most important element of any company,” It is not the office, technology, or location – it is its people.

I especially agree with this sentence, “it’s vital that you hire based on attitude and talent. You can’t train people on attitude or teach them a talent, but you can always educate and train to enhance specific skills and talents that will yield superior results.”

It is true that a company needs good equipment and enough capital to run, but without good employees, how can the equipment and resources be used wisely? People are the brain of a company; it controls its values and beliefs, movements and creativity. People with good attitude and talent are especially precious employees, because a strong work ethic and attitude are contagious. These people’s positive features can affect the whole organizational culture, which is the morale!

Hiring people with good education is important, but hiring with people with good attitude is even more crucial.


Burrus, Daniel. “How to Hire for Rapid Success.” Web log post. Burrus Research Associates. N.p., n.d. Web. 15 Nov. 2013. <>.

Regard Tamar Batrawi’s Post of “*Oh Snap* … Snapchat!”

According to Batrawi’s post, it says “You might consider this crazy, but Snapchat owners have just recently refused Facebook’s offer to buy Snapchat for 3 Billion US Dollars! Yes, $3 billion! This implies that Snapchat owners value it at a higher price than 3 billion dollars, but is it really worth what they think it is?”

This post has led me to ponder about the rapid pace of social media, and most importantly, how fast a new media can be launched and then smothered by other new ones within such a short period of time! This thought might not seem to be relevant to the post; however, it indeed raises a question to whether Snapchat believes what it is worth is correct.

In this day and age, new apps are launched everyday, and the public try them out. Some apps become a popular trend within a short period of time; however, many can be forgotten once new apps are out in no time. This is an era of information overload where the pace of launching new channels for social media is so fast!

That being said, Snapchat might possibly face a decline very soon, so would that be a wise choice to sell it now? Or not? We’ll know the answer very soon in the near future.

Regarding Yiling Zhao’s post of “How does customization help selling more effectively”

Referring to Zhao’s post, “market research and analysis, customization and good partnership play significant role in business decisions and success.” I totally agree with what she said.

Here in this post, I would like to comment on more about customization. Customization is definitely an effective tactics to attract customers. In a psychological point of view, everyone wants to be specially treated, because this gives us a sense of pride and importance, which we all favor. I see customization as a tactics to aim at “showing respect” to the customers. In other words, it shows the customers that “we” the company do care about “you”, and we hope to sell the best product and the best service to “you”.

WestJet Grows Out to Europe

On November 15, the Globe and Mail had reported that “WestJet’s first transatlantic offerings will begin in June with seasonal, non-stop flights between St. John’s and Dublin, and direct flights from Toronto to Dublin that will stop in St. John’s for refuelling.”

Is this a sign of WestJet’s attempt to grow international? It could be. However, with WestJet’s fleet of Boeing 737-700 planes, each holds only 136 passengers, WestJet might encounter difficulties to grow beyond the domestic flight market. Nonetheless, this new tactics of WestJet can be seen as a good start for testing the European market. At the same time, WestJet can acquire more connections in Europe and building brand recognition. Overall, this tactics is beneficial to WestJet from a marketing perspective.

On the other hand, “Air Canada recently announced a major expansion of its European offerings.” A tactics of Air Canada to counteract the threat brings by WestJet’s new route to Europe.

To compare, WestJet is considerably more economical, but all its planes are single-aisle Boeing 737-700, so this might be a major disadvantage for it. That being said, Air Canada still has its significant position maintained – but the threat is building up!


Keenan, Greg. “WestJet to Test Its Luck in IrelandAdd to …” The Globe and Mail. N.p., 15 Nov. 2013. Web. 16 Nov. 2013. <>.

Marketing that the Public Would “Unlike”!


Social media

The power of social media has been attracting marketers to use it as a main channel for advertisement. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, are only a few examples out of the abundant choices. Although being an auspicious trend where both sellers and buyers can access to each other with more ease, the public has started to question whether particular marketing has gone beyond the ethical realm.

According to the Globe and Mail, “on [November 11], Health Magazine attracted some criticism [on Twitter] for suggesting that the best way to celebrate Veterans Day (the U.S. equivalent of Remembrance Day) was with a recipe from its pages for Fresh Berries with Maple Cream.”

The reaction of the public may reflect that advertisers might have abused the power of social media, and even go beyond the boundary of ethics. The disrespectful approach using Remembrance Day as a topic can be very sensitive, as it is a day to spread an educational sense where we should be thankful for what our ancestors bravely did for us.

From this article, I have gained insights that marketing can be as creative as we want, but we should try to avoid sensitive topics such as “the anniversary of the World Trade Center attacks on Sept. 11.”

Reference: Krashinsky, Susan. “Is It Disrespectful for Advertisers to Tweet about Remembrance Day?Add to …” The Globe and Mail. The Globe and Mail, 11 Nov. 2013. Web. 14 Nov. 2013. <>.

How can a Business be successful? Create demand!

Energy Aware Technology, a Vancouver-based company that produces home intelligence technology was established in 2005, and since then it has been thriving while gaining positive feedbacks from customers. In the year of 2009, it was described as “the most promising start-up company of the year,” by the B.C. Technology Industry Association.

The product that it produces is called Neurio, which is a device that controls “the power a home uses, and calculates the cost of running individual appliances in real time.”

Demand Curve!

Demand Curve!

This company has gained great reputation and success mainly because its product is innovative, and it knows exactly what the consumers in the market want – to reduce expenditure as much as possible while gaining the most benefits. By attacking this weakness of consumers, Neurio can successfully be introduced into the market and expand. The case of Energy Aware Technology gives me the insights that to create demand in the market is always a good start-up for any business.
