How to Hire for Rapid Success by Daniel Burrus

In this article, Burrus talked about “the most important element of any company,” It is not the office, technology, or location – it is its people.

I especially agree with this sentence, “it’s vital that you hire based on attitude and talent. You can’t train people on attitude or teach them a talent, but you can always educate and train to enhance specific skills and talents that will yield superior results.”

It is true that a company needs good equipment and enough capital to run, but without good employees, how can the equipment and resources be used wisely? People are the brain of a company; it controls its values and beliefs, movements and creativity. People with good attitude and talent are especially precious employees, because a strong work ethic and attitude are contagious. These people’s positive features can affect the whole organizational culture, which is the morale!

Hiring people with good education is important, but hiring with people with good attitude is even more crucial.


Burrus, Daniel. “How to Hire for Rapid Success.” Web log post. Burrus Research Associates. N.p., n.d. Web. 15 Nov. 2013. <>.

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