Re: Marijuana Can Get You a Date!?

Today I want to share some of my thoughts that emerged in my mind  after reading an interesting article ‘Stoners get high on love with marijuana dating sites’ and Moeko Uvara’s review on it (click here to read it).

On one hand, I think that this idea is beneficial for addicted to marijuana usage people. It gives them an opportunity to meet someone who could be shocked because of the fat of marijuana consumption. People are always trying to find someone who would understand their feelings and have the same outlook. In addition, it is undoubtedly untouched niche market that can potentially bring huge profit, because the level of marijuana acceptance across the united States is becoming higher gradually.


Regulating medical marijuana


However, it is also a kind of advertisement of marijuana itself. This idea of dating sites for marijuana-addicted people could easily lead to the increase of dependent on marijuana humans. As a consequence, the overall level of health condition of the mankind could become worse. It has to be perceived as a serious reason to think twice before giving this plan an ability to expand.

I would like to note that I have nothing against marijuana-addicted people and do not consume any form of psychoactive drug myself. 

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