Name and Fame. Any connection?

I received pretty good feedback from some of UBC students after posting a creative article “Building Your Brand: Logo Colours”. I faced a very interesting question: “How to choose your company’s name?”

Very often the logo of business is based on it’s name, which means it is even more significant part of branding than colours selection. So, here I will try to provide an answer to this questions, referring to the article.

There is no doubt that consumers are very often attracted by the name of the product and, of course, those with popular world-wide names are more likely to be noticed.


There are few key points in choosing the brand’s name, which caught my attention. First of all, it should not be too complicated. Keep it simple. I have asked 20 people about their preferences between two mad-up names for ice cream companies: “Ice it!” and “Ice cream from Heaven”. 18 out of 20 voted for the first one, because the second one is so long, that is sounds like a slogan for the first one, not the actual name. This is how the advice works in real world. Write it down to remember. 🙂

Secondly, do not copy or imitate other firms’ names. Relate to your company as to your own child and try to find very unique and original name. I am convinced that at least once in your live you had thoughts like “This firm’s name is so nice! Is it in French? Italian? Hawaiian?”. I am sure that differentiating company’s name from others is a significant part of magnetizing clients and making them interested in your product.

These recommendations, in my opinion, are vital for company’s success.

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