Linked In Marketing

Most people use LinkedIn as an online resume or to gain and maintain new and old connections for purpose of business of career advancements. However, there is more to LinkedIn for sure then just a means to showcase your educational qualifications, job experiences and skills.

As thought during one of the lectures towards the end of the term in E-Marketing, with a well-maintained LinkedIn profile, one can do wonders. Since LinkedIn is largely focused on B-to-B connections, business professionals should utilize LinkedIn as a major tool for social media marketing, without overlooking it as part of their digital marketing strategy.

Firstly, a business professional should strive to beef up his or her LinkedIn profile, in addition to the relevant information about work experience and education qualifications. A great professional head shot is always the way to go for the profile photo and a eye grabbing title serves as an icing on the cake. Additionally, it would help to post frequent status updates, integrate blog posts and tweets to your LinkedIn profile, request recommendations from your connections, as well as posting a LinkedIn event to help generate interest an event etc.

LinkedIn is a great way to build your brand and push the acceleration button in your career. It would also help to join groups that allow you to interact with professionals that share similar interests.


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