Share A Coke With….

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Share a Coke with…

According to Yudan Liu’s blog, I noticed that recently, Coke has offered customers with specified design on the bottles. They print the names of customers on bottles. Yudan said that the answer Coke is such an outstanding brand over thousands of beverages is because ‘Coke makes its customers and its latent customers happier and make its rivals’ customers jealous.’

I agree that customized service is the reason that makes a great success to Coke, because people are increasingly addicted to the so-called ‘personal tailor’, which means there is only one edition of dress or clothes for the only person around the world. Because customers will feel the sense of belongings when they get the bottles with their names. At least for me it is, and I really want to get one bottle that has my name on it. And I suppose it is a great improvement to Coke’s customer relationship.

There are still some other reasons that Coke is so successful. Such as it provides a special and fantastic taste of the drinking, which is the most significant point belongs to the company’s value proposition. Besides it also has alliance with other partners, for example, Coke has been the Olympic sponsor since 1928. These all makes Coke become one of the most popular beverages around the world.

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