1:3 – Living in a Digital Era

7. “At the beginning of this lesson I pointed to the idea that technological advances in communication tools have been part of the impetus to rethink the divisive and hierarchical categorizing of literature and orality, and suggested that this is happening for a number of reasons.  I’d like you to consider two aspects of digital literature: 1) social media tools that enable widespread publication, without publishers, and 2) Hypertext, which is the name for the text that lies beyond the text you are reading, until you click. How do you think these capabilities might be impacting literature and story?” (Paterson)

                                                    Hello & Welcome! 

Today I will be discussing about the question above. This one is interesting because we are living in a digital era where internet has became one of the largest platforms for people to publish their own stories. People can use social media as a way to voice their stories. It is no doubt that with advancement of technology, it has enabled us to communicate and connect better with one another. And, it does not just limit to just internet, but also other digital methods that we may use such as cell phones (texting), video (webcaming), email, and much more.

When reading Chamberlin’s text, it really got me thinking of how people tell their stories and why it matters. When thinking about widespread publication, one of the most popular social media site that people use today on a daily basis is Facebook . It is one of the most leading social networking service as of today.  And we are even using it for our course haha! A lot of people use it because it makes it easy for people to connect with one another and also share their stories. It has become a tool of communication. The most interesting aspect is that people have freedom of what they want to publish on their media profile. They are their own publishers. They essentially have control of what they want to post, share, or even hide. And readers such as friends, families, and even coworkers can interact with them by replying back to what they have posted.

Also, when thinking about hypertext, I think it does impact literature and stories because nowadays when people scroll on internet and encounter a word that they are unfamiliar with, they can just simply click on the hypertext and get quickly retrieve the definition. Hypertext has made it more accessible for people to not only get clarification on terproductImagems or concepts but is also often used to link to another website to find out more information on that particular subject. This is also interesting because last term I was reading William S. Burroughs ‘s novel called Naked Lunch and throughout the chapter sentences with have written out hypertext. Therefore, hypertext is not only seen on the internet but also used in writing form within texts such as novels.

And I have a question for you.. can you think of any social media
that you use today that voices your own stories? Like I mentioned
before in my first blog, I use to do personal blogging on a blogging website and I found it as my own way of documenting my own stories. Sometimes i don’t think our stories have to be shared, but if it does
one might ask how would you go about it then?


Work Cited

Chamberlin, J. Edward. If This Is Your Land, Where Are Your Stories?: Finding Common Ground. Toronto: Vintage Canada, 2004. Print.

Burroughs, Williams. “Naked Lunch”N.p., 26 Jan. 2004. Web. 24 Jan. 2016. <http://www.goodreads.com/book/show/7437.Naked_Lunch>.

Greetings & Welcome!


Hello English 470 Classmates!

Welcome to my first blog! My name is Karen Fang and I am a fourth year student majoring in Cultural Anthropology and minoring in English Literature. I will be graduating after this term and I thought this course would be really fun to take to finish my last year at UBC. I have never done an online English course before but if anyone have, feel free to comment down below and let me know what was your experience with it! I would love to know!

In the past, I use to blog during my spare time but somehow along the way I stopped for a long while but I am glad to pick up back on the routine of blogging. I think blogging is a great way to document our thoughts and also allows us to really flush out all our ideas, not mention reflect on what we read, see, and experience everyday.

Something interesting about myself.. I am a DJ host! I love music and perhaps the first thing you might think of is the person who mixes cool music at events. But unfortunately i’m not haha. I’m actually a DJ presenter at a radio station called Fairchild Radio and each week I host my own live music talk show. I would operate the systems and play music while talking in between songs.

One of the songs that I recently played during my session is

More Like Me- A-Lin 

And here is a photo of my workplace, click the image below to find out more!

Besides that, I have a strong curiosity to learn more about Canada. Anything related to Canadian history or literature.. you name it! I think my interest towards Canadian history and literature developed because I am born and raised in Canada. Therefore, I want to learn more about it. Through this course, I hope to learn more about Canadian literary, specifically in terms of what stories are being told and thinking critically about who is it coming from and why certain groups are more voiced than others.

Thanks for reading and looking forward in also talking to you all through your blogs!

Signing out,








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