Greetings & Welcome!


Hello English 470 Classmates!

Welcome to my first blog! My name is Karen Fang and I am a fourth year student majoring in Cultural Anthropology and minoring in English Literature. I will be graduating after this term and I thought this course would be really fun to take to finish my last year at UBC. I have never done an online English course before but if anyone have, feel free to comment down below and let me know what was your experience with it! I would love to know!

In the past, I use to blog during my spare time but somehow along the way I stopped for a long while but I am glad to pick up back on the routine of blogging. I think blogging is a great way to document our thoughts and also allows us to really flush out all our ideas, not mention reflect on what we read, see, and experience everyday.

Something interesting about myself.. I am a DJ host! I love music and perhaps the first thing you might think of is the person who mixes cool music at events. But unfortunately i’m not haha. I’m actually a DJ presenter at a radio station called Fairchild Radio and each week I host my own live music talk show. I would operate the systems and play music while talking in between songs.

One of the songs that I recently played during my session is

More Like Me- A-Lin 

And here is a photo of my workplace, click the image below to find out more!

Besides that, I have a strong curiosity to learn more about Canada. Anything related to Canadian history or literature.. you name it! I think my interest towards Canadian history and literature developed because I am born and raised in Canada. Therefore, I want to learn more about it. Through this course, I hope to learn more about Canadian literary, specifically in terms of what stories are being told and thinking critically about who is it coming from and why certain groups are more voiced than others.

Thanks for reading and looking forward in also talking to you all through your blogs!

Signing out,








7 Thoughts.

  1. Hello Karen and welcome to our course of studies together, I look forward to working with you. Karen, can you please change your settings so that the date appears on your blog when you publish. Other than that, your blog looks great. Thanks and enjoy

    • Hi Professor Paterson! Nice to you meet and thank you for the warm welcoming. I am looking forward also in learning in this course. In terms of the blog publishing date, I’m a bit confused because on my blog it appears the date and time when it was published at the bottom of the post. I looked at settings and there is a check mark already on the category of date. Where exactly do i have to change in order for my viewers to see the time/date on my blog? Thanks!

  2. Hi Karen,

    Great first post! Such an interesting job! Are you the one we can see through the window at Aberdeen, haha? I have never taken an English course online before but I have taken a lot of online courses as I have lived in Japan until recently. This course in particular, the format and content, seem very interesting. I have never had a blog before but I like the idea. Like you say, it’s a good way to reflect and flush out ideas. What kind of blog do/did you have?

    • Hi Alex!

      Nice to meet you! Thanks for the encouragement, I hope to post more interesting blogs for everyone hehe. And yes, my radio station is located at Aberdeen. I will be usually in the studio but you can definitely see the reception desk through the windows. Japan!!! Nice, that sounds like so much fun over there. I personally never been to Japan but I would love to visit there. Is it common for people in Japan to take a lot of online courses or it is a personal preference? And in terms of the blogging in the past, I use to use this popular blogging site called where i write about my everyday interactions and experiences. I basically treated it like a journal to reflect each day or if i do not have enough time, then each week of what I do. It is a really good habit to get into actually but whenever i look back at it, it really brings back a lot of memories and funny moments haha!

    • Hi Tatiana!

      Thanks for visiting my blog! I think both sides develops different outcomes. Beginning with the advantages, I think when stories are told by different people or sources, it offers more perspectives on the stories besides basing it solely on an individual’s view or source. It enriches the way of how people conceptualize the story and to motivate them to think critically and view it in mulitiple dimensions. However, the disadvantages come into play because when there are numerous ways in looking at the story, it can be difficult in deciding which perspective to take on when receiving the story. This may lead to people perhaps deciding which one is more compelling than the other. Therefore, stories that are told by multiple people can be effective in the way that it generates more ways for people to look at the story in diverse ways but falls short in terms of having a strong sense of direction of which perspective they should take when listening to the stories that are told by many people or sources.

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