Unit 3 Reflection

by karenoko

Unit three was a struggle for me. This unit I found it hard to keep up with assignment deadlines. I found that even though my original plan was well-detailed, my plans and layout quickly changed from the original idea as I started to actually write that paper. This was frustrating, as I found myself lost whilst writing sometimes. I think for the final submission, I need to focus on streamlining my paper and organizing it in a more cohesive manner. That being said, organization was the biggest challenge when writing this report draft. The research process was helpful in allowing me to practice finding external sources and conducting primary research of my own for my paper. I learned how to pull and analyze data from both primary and secondary sources. Writing the proposal was difficult, as there was not much instruction for this part. Since everyone’s proposal is different, it is hard to find a template format to follow for writing my own report. My report was quite wordy and repetitive at times, so adding more useful information and being more cohesive are things I will try to improve for the final report.

The peer review assignment was helpful, as it helped me to see how my classmates organized their papers. Since I struggled with organization in my own, editing someone else’s work showed me one possible way of formatting a report. Reading others’ work allowed me to make note of the tools they used to communicate their ideas effectively. Also, by looking at others’ weak points, it motivates me to look for the same weak points within my own report.

Enclosure: 301 Karen Okoyomon Report Rough Draft