Revised Peer Review Definition

Author: Adrianna Mroz

Date: Oct 5, 2021

Title: Parenthetical, sentence, and expanded definitions of “Mycelium”


Great work on your definitions! I enjoyed reading about “Mycelium” despite not knowing much about biology in general. Below are my comments and suggestions regarding your assignment.

Initial Impressions:

The explanation of the assignment’s purpose was well-written and well-explained. Instructions are followed well, as three definitions–parenthetical, sentence, and extended are provided, and there is an identified audience for each one. The extended definition is very detailed. The definitions are written professionally, without use of jargon or short-forms, and including good spelling and grammar. There is good use of visual aids; this is the most helpful part of understanding the definition from a non-scientific perspective.


The audience is identified as people who work in the field of biology. These definitions are very scientific, and the explanations provided matched with the intended audience.


From reading the extended definition, the expansion methods used were history, image, how it originated, and how it works. It may be useful to separate the methods of expansion into multiple paragraphs to make it more convenient for the reader to differentiate the points being explained. 


It is helpful to include another photo of a real life “Mycelium” in addition to the diagram.


There is a good use of credible sources in your definitions such as Cornell and a scientific journal. One note is to title the list of sources in agreement with MLA format–using “Works Cited” as the title.


Everything is very well-written and detailed. Great Job!




  • include link to original post
  • present tense
  • removing pronouns