Unit 2 Reflection

by karenoko

In unit two, we learned about LinkedIn and the importance of creating a profile. Creating a professional social media network is important in this changing world. It is becoming more and more important to have an online presence. Social media helps with networking so that you can connect with new partners and employers instantly. I already had a LinkedIn profile prior to this course, however doing research helped me find the steps I need to take improve what I already have.

Brainstorming the report topic was difficult, as it was hard to find causes/issues that I feel personally connected to that I felt I could write a full report about. Also, creating the survey questions was difficult, as I needed to carefully articulate the questions so that people do not feel uncomfortable taking the quiz. In terms of report progress, I felt like I was falling behind for a bit, but now I’m gradually catching up. After making the writing schedule, I am able to check my progress with the milestones I have set up. For my report I plan to distribute a survey and conduct interviews with university students on the topic of anxiety and sleep. I did not get peer review feedback from my classmate due to a mix up, however, I did learn from evaluating another student’s proposal. I was able to use the things that they did well to identify gaps in my own proposal, as well as provide feedback on things that they can improve. I have learned that my writing can sometimes lack depth or detail, so I need to take the time to add more. I think my colleagues have done great work thus far this semester in terms of the quality of writing. I think that reading other’s assignments allows me to see different ways to write, and how I can utilize their techniques to improve my own writing.

Enclosure: Revised proposal