by Karen Okoyomon

Reflection on the Web Folio

The web folio assignment was the last assignment on Unit 4. In this assignment, we were instructed to create a website showcasing all the work from the past semester. My site includes a home page, about me, resume, application package, and best works page.

This assignment allowed me to look back and reflect on all the work I’ve done this semester, and how I have progressed over the past three months. I was able to identify areas of weakness through common issues that repeated across different assignments. Review is an important part of growth, as it allowed me to recognize my mistakes and grow from them. Going over my past assignments and looking at feedback opened my eyes to the value of others reading your work. Taking feedback into account will not only make me a better writer, but will also make me a better reviewer.

Organizing the web folio was a bit tedious, as I had to rearrange my original blog site to incorporate the new information. Creating a website with UBC blogs was also out of my comfort zone, as I am unfamiliar with the platform. I decided to use UBC to gain a new skill so I could learn how to navigate a different platform for website making. This assignment allowed for customization and creative freedom, which I found to be helpful in making my website how I want it to be.

Reflection on Unit 4 and going forward

Overall, unit 4 was a whirlwind. This unit I found to be the most difficult out of the 4, as the assignments required more attention to detail and was generally more time-consuming. In unit 4, we completed the three largest assignments, the Final Report, Application Package, and Web Folio. The final report was the most difficult out of the three, as it required me to frequently write and look over my work. This assignment was hard to keep up with, as there were so many different parts to bring together. Unit 4 has taught me to work on my time-management skills.

Over the course of the semester, we have been given lots of practice on peer review, and I think that this my biggest area of improvement. My main takeaway from doing these assignments is to pay attention to detail and revise my work to catch errors.

Unit 3 Reflection

Unit three was a struggle for me. This unit I found it hard to keep up with assignment deadlines. I found that even though my original plan was well-detailed, my plans and layout quickly changed from the original idea as I started to actually write that paper. This was frustrating, as I found myself lost whilst writing sometimes. I think for the final submission, I need to focus on streamlining my paper and organizing it in a more cohesive manner. That being said, organization was the biggest challenge when writing this report draft. The research process was helpful in allowing me to practice finding external sources and conducting primary research of my own for my paper. I learned how to pull and analyze data from both primary and secondary sources. Writing the proposal was difficult, as there was not much instruction for this part. Since everyone’s proposal is different, it is hard to find a template format to follow for writing my own report. My report was quite wordy and repetitive at times, so adding more useful information and being more cohesive are things I will try to improve for the final report.

The peer review assignment was helpful, as it helped me to see how my classmates organized their papers. Since I struggled with organization in my own, editing someone else’s work showed me one possible way of formatting a report. Reading others’ work allowed me to make note of the tools they used to communicate their ideas effectively. Also, by looking at others’ weak points, it motivates me to look for the same weak points within my own report.

Enclosure: 301 Karen Okoyomon Report Rough Draft

Unit 2 Reflection

In unit two, we learned about LinkedIn and the importance of creating a profile. Creating a professional social media network is important in this changing world. It is becoming more and more important to have an online presence. Social media helps with networking so that you can connect with new partners and employers instantly. I already had a LinkedIn profile prior to this course, however doing research helped me find the steps I need to take improve what I already have.

Brainstorming the report topic was difficult, as it was hard to find causes/issues that I feel personally connected to that I felt I could write a full report about. Also, creating the survey questions was difficult, as I needed to carefully articulate the questions so that people do not feel uncomfortable taking the quiz. In terms of report progress, I felt like I was falling behind for a bit, but now I’m gradually catching up. After making the writing schedule, I am able to check my progress with the milestones I have set up. For my report I plan to distribute a survey and conduct interviews with university students on the topic of anxiety and sleep. I did not get peer review feedback from my classmate due to a mix up, however, I did learn from evaluating another student’s proposal. I was able to use the things that they did well to identify gaps in my own proposal, as well as provide feedback on things that they can improve. I have learned that my writing can sometimes lack depth or detail, so I need to take the time to add more. I think my colleagues have done great work thus far this semester in terms of the quality of writing. I think that reading other’s assignments allows me to see different ways to write, and how I can utilize their techniques to improve my own writing.

Enclosure: Revised proposal

Unit 1 Reflection

Writing definitions is an important skill to have as a person in academia. There are terms that need to be clearly defined in order for others to understand one’s writing. Writing the definition was an interesting task that I had not done before. Firstly, finding a word to define was difficult because it had to be easy enough to define, but difficult enough that the average person would not already know it. The short definition was relatively straightforward, as my goal was to keep it as short as possible. For the sentence definition, I found this to be the most natural, as this is how most definitions are made. The extended definition was the most challenging, as the guidelines for it were not as specific. It took more time to find information to add into the definition that would help others understand the term.

During the editing process, I learned to double check my writing to catch spelling and grammar errors. Reading the sentences aloud helps to find run-on sentences. I also learned to check that my sources are accurate and correctly cited.

Peer reviewing other’s work allowed me to see different styles of writing. Peer review also allowed me to see my team members’ strengths and weaknesses in writing.

Enclosure: Revised definition

Re: Kitty Yan

To: Kitty Yan

From: Karen Okoyomon

Subject: Re: Writing Team Invitation


Hello Kitty,

Thank you for inviting me to join your team, I accept! Based on our combined strengths, we will make great team. I look forward to working with you.

Kind Regards,

Karen Okoyomon

Email to Helene

To: Helene Tran

From: Karen Okoyomon

Subject: Invitation to Join ENGL301 Writing Team


Good Morning Helene,

I am reaching out to formally invite you to join as the fourth member of my writing team.

I was impressed by your extensive educational background, and think that this would be a great asset to the team. Your experience working as an English teaching assistant is good for this course, as you have already had experience with formal and technical writing. We share similar strengths such as idea creation and editing—both of which are an important part of any project.

If you are interested in joining my team, please let me know. I’ve attached my application letter for your reference as well.

<301 Karen Okoyomon Application Letter.docx>

Kind Regards,

Karen Okoyomon

Email to Zoe

To: Zoe Maika

From: Karen Okoyomon

Subject: ENGL301 Writing Team Invitation


Hello Zoe,

I am reaching out to formally invite you to join my ENGL 301 writing team.

Upon reading your application letter, I was interested by your learning philosophy and approach to teamwork. Your reliability, communication, and dedication makes you a dependable team member. Your schooling journey is also particularly interesting, as I find that I have similar interests as you. I was also impressed by your determination to change your career path, as it shows how hardworking you are as a student.

If you are interested in joining my team, please let me know. Please see my attached application letter for your reference as well.

<301 Karen Okoyomon Application Letter.docx>

Kind Regards,

Karen Okoyomon

Email to Sidney

To: Sidney Singh

From: Karen Okoyomon

Subject: ENGL301 Writing Team


Hello Sidney,

I hope you are doing well. I am reaching out to invite you to join a writing team with me.

Upon reading your application later, I was intrigued by our shared background in writing, as you are a creative writing student, and I study primarily English. Your punctuality and studious nature will be very helpful in a group setting. It is also great that you like to frequently ask questions, as I believe communication is an integral part of successful teamwork. With your strengths in research and my strengths in revision, I believe that we have potential to work well together.

Please let me know if you are interested. I’ve attached my application letter for your reference.

I look forward to hearing back from you!

<301 Karen Okoyomon Application Letter.docx>


Karen Okoyomon

Email Memorandum

Dear Dr. Paterson,

Here you will find the link to my completed application letter for the 301 Writing Team: https://blogs.ubc.ca/karenoko/2021/09/20/engl-301-writing-application/

I have included a list below that is a short summary of the main points of my application.

  • I introduce my academic background in English, Visual Art, and Business
  • I outline my experience working at Digital Media Academy as a technician. I use this to expand on my writing and communication skills I gained from that job and how they are a great asset to have for this position.
  • I explain my working habits in a group setting; I identify my strengths as brainstorming and revision.
  • I share my philosophy towards learning and growth

Thank you for taking the time to read my blog! To contact me, please email karenokoyomon@gmail.com

Here is the document of Application letter: 301 Karen Okoyomon Application Letter



Karen Okoyomon

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