ENGL 301 Writing Application

XX West 18th Avenue

Vancouver, BC

September 20, 2021


UBC Vancouver Campus

ENGL301 Technical Writing Class

Vancouver, BC Canada V6T 1Z4


Dear English 301 Technical Writing Class,

Please consider my application to be a professional writing team member for the 301 Technical writing class. I am currently a third-year student at the University of British Columbia majoring in Interdisciplinary Studies with a focus on English Language and Visual Art. I am also in UBC’s Batchelor and Master of Management Dual Degree program through the Sauder School of Business. I am most drawn towards fields related to marketing or advertising, as they allow creative freedom in the professional world. I believe that my courses in English, visual art, and business qualify me as a great communicator.

I recently worked as a Technician at Digital Media Academy where my main tasks were to help students, parents, and teachers set up their computer’s software, as well as help them troubleshoot all other technical issues. I spent a large portion of my time writing emails to clients to help them with problems as they arose. This allowed me to practice not only my writing professional skills, but my problem solving and technology skills as well.

From a teamwork perspective, I believe that my strengths lie in both brainstorming and revision. Due to my creative nature, I love brainstorming coming up with new ideas. I find collaboration the most fun at this stage, as the group can get to know each other’s styles of thinking as we bounce ideas off one another. As for revision, I make sure to carefully revise my work multiple times catch any errors as they arise, so I will be helpful in that respect. While writing in a team setting can be a challenge with new people, I believe that with good communication and respect, we can overcome any hurdles that may come up. My philosophy in life is to never stop learning. It is important to keep growing and striving for improvement; every new team setting allows an opportunity to learn and grow as a unit.

If my profile aligns with the needs of your writing team, please reach me at karenokoyomon@gmail.com.



Karen Okoyomon


Word document of application: 301 Karen Okoyomon Application Letter