by Karen Okoyomon

Category: Posts

Reflection on the Web Folio

The web folio assignment was the last assignment on Unit 4. In this assignment, we were instructed to create a website showcasing all the work from the past semester. My site includes a home page, about me, resume, application package, and best works page. This assignment allowed me to look back and reflect on all […]

Reflection on Unit 4 and going forward

Overall, unit 4 was a whirlwind. This unit I found to be the most difficult out of the 4, as the assignments required more attention to detail and was generally more time-consuming. In unit 4, we completed the three largest assignments, the Final Report, Application Package, and Web Folio. The final report was the most […]

Unit 3 Reflection

Unit three was a struggle for me. This unit I found it hard to keep up with assignment deadlines. I found that even though my original plan was well-detailed, my plans and layout quickly changed from the original idea as I started to actually write that paper. This was frustrating, as I found myself lost […]

Unit 2 Reflection

In unit two, we learned about LinkedIn and the importance of creating a profile. Creating a professional social media network is important in this changing world. It is becoming more and more important to have an online presence. Social media helps with networking so that you can connect with new partners and employers instantly. I […]

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