by Karen Okoyomon

Category: Uncategorized

Unit 1 Reflection

Writing definitions is an important skill to have as a person in academia. There are terms that need to be clearly defined in order for others to understand one’s writing. Writing the definition was an interesting task that I had not done before. Firstly, finding a word to define was difficult because it had to […]

Re: Kitty Yan

To: Kitty Yan From: Karen Okoyomon Subject: Re: Writing Team Invitation   Hello Kitty, Thank you for inviting me to join your team, I accept! Based on our combined strengths, we will make great team. I look forward to working with you. Kind Regards, Karen Okoyomon

Email to Helene

To: Helene Tran From: Karen Okoyomon Subject: Invitation to Join ENGL301 Writing Team   Good Morning Helene, I am reaching out to formally invite you to join as the fourth member of my writing team. I was impressed by your extensive educational background, and think that this would be a great asset to the team. […]

Email to Zoe

To: Zoe Maika From: Karen Okoyomon Subject: ENGL301 Writing Team Invitation   Hello Zoe, I am reaching out to formally invite you to join my ENGL 301 writing team. Upon reading your application letter, I was interested by your learning philosophy and approach to teamwork. Your reliability, communication, and dedication makes you a dependable team […]

Email to Sidney

To: Sidney Singh From: Karen Okoyomon Subject: ENGL301 Writing Team   Hello Sidney, I hope you are doing well. I am reaching out to invite you to join a writing team with me. Upon reading your application later, I was intrigued by our shared background in writing, as you are a creative writing student, and […]

Email Memorandum

Dear Dr. Paterson, Here you will find the link to my completed application letter for the 301 Writing Team: https://blogs.ubc.ca/karenoko/2021/09/20/engl-301-writing-application/ I have included a list below that is a short summary of the main points of my application. I introduce my academic background in English, Visual Art, and Business I outline my experience working at […]

ENGL 301 Writing Application

XX West 18th Avenue Vancouver, BC September 20, 2021   UBC Vancouver Campus ENGL301 Technical Writing Class Vancouver, BC Canada V6T 1Z4   Dear English 301 Technical Writing Class, Please consider my application to be a professional writing team member for the 301 Technical writing class. I am currently a third-year student at the University […]

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