Blog Post 3: Blackberry’s brand promise

Did you say Blackberry? What is that again?
Their latest creation, the Passport, may be a creation that was just a little too late.

This once extremely popular brand has slowly died down over the years. Its notable competitors, Apple and Samsung, have been taking over the cell phone/electronics market, lowering the popularity of Blackberry. The big touch-screen trend has not failed to appeal to a large variety of the mobile user market, ranging from teenagers to adults of all occupations.

While these companies have made a value proposition of creating a convenient, large touch-screen phone for anyone of all ages, Blackberry concentrated on the customer segment of business workers. What has Blackberry been doing wrong? Nothing, really. When the touch-screen trend was occurring, the company could have made major adjustments to their products. By focusing on the big touch-screen trend, they could have jumped onto the bandwagon and brought in extra profits. At the same time, they would have had to figure out how to turn that point of parity into a point of difference, as touch-screen phones have been and are still quite similar to one another.

(image from Yahoo)

However, because their brand promise is to provide phones with quick emailing and texting service meant for businessmen and businesswomen, focusing on touch-screen phones was not entirely necessary. Blackberry is positioned in many consumers’ minds as a business phone, and integrating a focus of touch-screens into their phones could have possibly lost customers. By introducing this big screened Passport now, is it too late for Blackberry to defeat their competition?

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