Zappos – a 4-million inventory online shoe retailer has reached amazing sales levels. However, this outside success originates from the core of the business and their impressive company culture which leave its employees saying: WOW. I admire Zappos for being able to grasp one of the fundamentals of customer service – that the attitude employees have towards their job will be presented to the customers through communications, specifically phone centres.
What really dazzled me are the measures Zappos has taken to ensure that their employees enjoy their job to the fullest. What with medical and healthcare benefits completely covered, regular company retreats, and even free food offered in the workplace cafeteria, I’m sure that Zappos employees have huge incentives to give maximized levels of productivity through effort back to the company.
That being said, I believe the most unique workings behind the company culture would have to be the employees’ familiarity with CEO Tony Hsieh.
I think it’s incredible that, as an employee at Zappos, I could literally works ‘next’ to the CEO. I mean honestly, he’s working from a workplace cubicle rather than an office behind glass doors. This method clearly enhances the employees relationship with Zappos as it tears away extreme formalities where employees are intimidated by the CEO. This way, employees could express their thoughts toward the bettering of the company directly to the CEO and viable opinions and recommendations could get implemented sooner with increased flexibility. Furthermore, this action promotes team play and encourages employees to participate and contribute to company culture. The benefits work both ways. Mr.Hsieh can observe the conditions of his company hands-on and see exactly how his employees work while playing a part in the lives of employees. Personally, I think it’s very welcoming for the CEO to work in close proximity with workers and that’s definitely a deciding factor in people’s choices of companies to work for.