iPhone5 vs Samsung s3

iphone 5 and samsung s3 have been the most bought phones for this year. Both of them have amazing features, bringing to our mind the technology we have dreamed off, 10 years ago, the technology that both phones have just put’s us in the 21st century. Both of them have high technology, in a very small amount of space. But which one is better????

Iphone 5 has many features that make it better than Samsung, some of them are: lighter weight, thinner (7.6mm thick), faster processor and a prettier design. On the other hand Samsung has a thicker phone, slower processor and a weird design!!! Numbers say that since the beginning of the release of both phones on average Iphones have sold more than what samsung did. In one week iphones sold 5 million, whereas it took samsung s3 a two months to get to 10 million (Numbers speak).


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