Internet-Free Streaming on Netflix

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Prepare to change the way you watch movies on the go. Netflix has just announced the ability to download entire series and movies to their devices. This massive update will elevate the quality of your commute, flight, or if you’re anything like me – they way you gym.

As a movie-buff, Netflix is a large part of my daily routine. My prayers were answered because they listened to customer feedback. A large part of their customers enjoy watching Netflix at home. Additionally, many telecommunications provider now streamlines Netflix onto traditional TV channels; making it easier to access and readily available. A larger part of their customers are also those who want to continue binge-watching in places where internet is (may or may not be) limited and/or expensive. This is a huge increase on user experience because they are now thinking outside of the box.

Whilst I have not had a chance to try the feature out, I can imagine how much more convenient Netflix will be now and in the future. Looking forward to more updates from them!